
  • Bohumír Bastl University of West Bohemia, Faculty of Applied Sciences, Department of Mathematics and European Centres of Excellence New Technologies for the Information Society, Univerzitní 8, 301 00, Plzeň, Czech Republic
  • Marek Brandner University of West Bohemia, Faculty of Applied Sciences, Department of Mathematics and European Centres of Excellence New Technologies for the Information Society, Univerzitní 8, 301 00, Plzeň, Czech Republic
  • Jiří Egermaier University of West Bohemia, Faculty of Applied Sciences, Department of Mathematics and European Centres of Excellence New Technologies for the Information Society, Univerzitní 8, 301 00, Plzeň, Czech Republic
  • Hana Horníková University of West Bohemia, Faculty of Applied Sciences, Department of Mathematics and European Centres of Excellence New Technologies for the Information Society, Univerzitní 8, 301 00, Plzeň, Czech Republic
  • Kristýna Michálková University of West Bohemia, Faculty of Applied Sciences, Department of Mathematics and European Centres of Excellence New Technologies for the Information Society, Univerzitní 8, 301 00, Plzeň, Czech Republic
  • Eva Turnerová University of West Bohemia, Faculty of Applied Sciences, Department of Mathematics and European Centres of Excellence New Technologies for the Information Society, Univerzitní 8, 301 00, Plzeň, Czech Republic



Isogeometric analysis, fluid flow simulation, B-splines, Navier-Stokes equations


In this paper, we present numerical results obtained by an in-house incompressible fluid flow solver based on isogeometric analysis (IgA) for the standard benchmark problem for incompressible fluid flow simulation – lid-driven cavity flow. The steady Navier-Stokes equations are solved in their velocity-pressure formulation and we consider only inf-sup stable pairs of B-spline discretization spaces. The main aim of the paper is to compare the results from our IgA-based flow solver with the results obtained by a standard package based on finite element method with respect to degrees of freedom and stability of the solution. Further, the effectiveness of the recently introduced rIgA method for the steady Navier-Stokes equations is studied.
The authors dedicate the paper to Professor K. Kozel on the occasion of his 80th birthday.


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Bastl, B., Brandner, M., Egermaier, J., Horníková, H., Michálková, K., & Turnerová, E. (2021). NUMERICAL SIMULATION OF LID-DRIVEN CAVITY FLOW BY ISOGEOMETRIC ANALYSIS. Acta Polytechnica, 61(SI), 33-48.